Laptop For Games - How to Find Best Gaming Laptop Singapore

Who are gamers ?
There are many pc gamers looking for gaming laptops. College students use it to enjoy favorite pc games. Super gamers try to find extremely powerful gaming machines to maxout high details in the latest games. Some other people just want to find a gaming laptop to handle some specific games under their budgets. Different people have the different budgets and requirements for a gaming laptop.
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What are gaming laptops ?
A gaming laptop's performance is better than other laptops in playing pc games. Gaming laptops have better CPU, memory, GPU combination so usually costs more money.

How to find the best gaming laptops ?
Hardware technologies grow rapidly, it's impossible to follow all the latest updates in technologies, even for a IT guru. Some people can get references from friends who know laptops well, but most people have to figure out all by themselves. Forum post, Google and review articles are great sources to find out what laptops are good for gaming.

In fact, finding a gaming laptop is very easy. If you follow the steps I'm sure you can find a good gaming laptop to fit your need, no matter you have the any knowledge about laptop before or not.

1. Budget for the gaming laptop Singapore.
The price for gaming laptops varies from less than $1,000 to $4,000 or even more in different brands. So the first thing is to find out what is the affordable price for a gaming laptop. Now the minimum price for a gaming laptop is around $650. Some laptops are more expensive than others such as MAC. Generally, the more money you spend, the better performance(or service provided) a gaming laptop will have. Let's say you have a budget of $1,400 for gaming laptop, so you can set the price range for $650 - $1,400.

2. What games you want to play with ?
It is a second important issue for buying a gaming laptop. There are 2D and 3D games. 2D games(like Starcraft, RedAlert2 ...) just needs a fast CPU and some memories to run smoothly and most laptop today will do the job. 3D games(WOW,Crysis,COD ...) require a powerful graphic card (GPU) to handle the complicated real-time calculations in the 3D games. Different graphic cards have different performances in playing different 3D games. There are two major GPU Giants there: Nvidia and ATI. Both of them have a serial models of graphic cards for different gaming requirements. If you are going to maxout all details in the latest FPS games such as Crysis, you have to get a top-level graphic card. If you feel that playing general games smoothly, and playing the latest games in low-medium effects are acceptable, there are also a bunch of medium-level graphic cards available for you to choose. Basically, the more powerful a GPU(graphic processing unit)is, the more money you will spend. By identifying your requirements you will save money. Not everyone need a super gaming machine. Don't use missiles if you just want to catch a bird.

3. Specific requirements
Everyone has his/her favorite brand. Some people like Intel CPUs while others prefer AMD. Some like Nvidia GPU while others like ATI. Some like small screen size while others prefer big screen. There are also some other choices such as size of hard drive, systems pre-installed, memory, optical drive, sound card, colors and weight. But remember that gaming capacity is your first priority. Any of your choices will be fine as long as you follow the step 1 and step 2.

4. when and where to buy
Of course you can buy a laptop anytime you like. Sometimes you save money if you choose to buy in a promotion period with some good coupons. There are also some people there will say: "I would like to wait for the price to drop down..." However, every penny you spend is worth for its value. If you have a good budget and don't want to wait too long, why not enjoying the cutting-edge technologies in latest gaming while other people are still in waiting ? There is no end answer for question "which laptop is the best for gaming?" If it is good for you, then go for it.
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There are two types of laptop sellers: manufacturers(Dell,HP...) and resellers.

(Best Buy, Newegg, Circuit City, Staples...). You can buy laptops from them online or in store. Usually manufacturers provide more customization choices and resellers provide the products in 'what you see is what you get'. If you want to customize laptop with your choices, just buy it from manufacturers directly. If you are not familiar with laptop and don't know what laptop to choose, just tell agents from resellers what you want to do with the laptop and usually they will give some useful suggestions for you. Before any purchasing, you should have some basic ideas of what laptop you need. It will be greatly helpful if you do a little research on Internet by visiting laptop review sites.

Actually, finding a gaming laptop is a interesting process rather than a tough job. It is not as hard as we thought before. Every gamer can get the best gaming laptop for playing great games
